Worship Team
Sunday morning worship services are conducted weekly except for the month of July. Services are lead by pulpit supply consisting of either a retired minister, a lay leader, guest speakers or a congregational member leading the reflection complemented by a service built around a theme. Our Pastoral Charge Supervisor leads us in worship for the celebration of Communion and for the four weeks of Advent. Special services are held to kick off our annual Mission and Service goal preceded by a donations breakfast as well as a kick-off to the local Build a Mountain Food Campaign for the local foodbank preceded by a donations breakfast, an annual Remembrance Service and our ever-popular Candlelight service. We remain ever present and an active member of the Athens Ministerial Association. We continue to be part of a ministerial rotation that provides a church/hymn service to Maple View Lodge on a Friday morning three times a year.
In 2015, we were privileged to be a part of Reverend Larry Doyle’s doctoral Presence Project in which four sermons were provided for worship on the theme ‘ Surely God is present, help us notice’ for which congregation members developed services around and then developed his reflection.
As a result of our work on Accessibility, we no longer take up a collection as part of the morning worship service instead, choosing to ask people to place their offering as they enter and then presenting the plates and on Food Bank Sundays the food as part of the service
We will also continue our PSIA (Pulpit Supply in Absentia) project, an initiative that focuses on bringing us a worship service and reflections from local ministers in local churches that share our same theological philosophy without the minister ever having to leave their pulpit. These services will be banked and used as congregation member-led twice monthly when pulpit supply is not being used. The participating churches will receive the nominal pulpit supply fee for each service and a $25 donation will be added to the Mission and Service Fund in lieu of mileage costs when a service is used. These services are lead by members of the worship team